Featuring the New Americans Campaign Rebrand and Redesign

The Engagement 4Cast

Featuring the New Americans Campaign Rebrand and Redesign



Heming Nelson

The New Americans Campaign‘s goal is to create a diverse nonpartisan national network of respected immigration organizations, legal services providers, faith-based organizations, immigrant rights groups, foundations and community leaders. The Campaign transforms the way aspiring citizens navigate the path to becoming new Americans. We partnered with Spitfire Strategies to create a more streamlined user experience, starting with an entirely new brand presence. Once the brand story was developed, we got to work on making the site as easy to use as possible. The site syncs with Google Sheets, features a complex but visually simplified partners listing page, location specific site leader markers, GEO location for events and partners, and even a custom free calculator to help users find out if they are eligible to wave their fees.

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