The Engagement 4Cast
-Ubuntu Web server with the latest version of Python installed
-An application that allows one to SSH into a server
-WINSCP (optional)
-A Slack account
-A slack incoming webhook
In your Ubuntu server create a file “login. py”
This is the code that you will place in the file:
import sys import getpass def send_message_to_slack(text): from urllib import request, parse import json post = {"text": "{0}".format(text)} try: json_data = json.dumps(post) req = request.Request("Your Slack URL goes here", data=json_data.encode('ascii'), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp = request.urlopen(req) except Exception as em: print("EXCEPTION: " + str(em)) send_message_to_slack(getpass.getuser() + “ has logged in to the server”)
SFTP into your server and go to the /etc/profile.d/ folder
Create a .sh file and in the file type “python3” (If there is a permissions issue just ssh into the server and add your .sh file there)
Now whenever someone logs into your server a message to slack will be sent
In your server create a file “”
This is the code that you will place in the file:
import sys import getpass def send_message_to_slack(text): from urllib import request, parse import json post = {"text": "{0}".format(text)} try: json_data = json.dumps(post) req = request.Request("Your Slack URL goes here", data=json_data.encode('ascii'), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp = request.urlopen(req) except Exception as em: print("EXCEPTION: " + str(em)) send_message_to_slack(getpass.getuser() + " has logged out of the server")
SFTP into your server and go to the /home/ubuntu/ folder (Note: This step will need to be repeated for each user’s log out that you want to monitor)
Make sure that you can view hidden files
Open the .bash_logout file and add “python3” directly above the existing code (If there is a permissions issue just ssh into the server and edit the .bash_logout file there)
Now when someone logs out of the server a message will be sent to slack
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