Responsive Email Design and MJML

The Engagement 4Cast

Responsive Email Design & MJML

Email responsive design shown on three devices - desktop, tablet and mobile




Heming Nelson

Emails are a vital part of nonprofit communication, but coding them can be a real headache. With the multitude of email clients, devices, and browsers, it’s easy to end up with a message that looks great on one screen and disastrous on another. Let’s dive into why email coding can be tricky and how MJML can help tackle these issues.

Why is Email Coding Tough to Crack?

While email technology has evolved significantly since its inception in the 1970s, its pace of change and standardization has been slower compared to other web technologies. Browsers receive regular updates to add features and fix bugs, but email clients are often updated less frequently, leading to users running outdated versions. For example, while Microsoft 365 users benefit from the latest version of Outlook, older versions still exist and function, complicating the coding process.

The diversity of devices used to access emails—ranging from smartphones and tablets to desktops—adds another layer of complexity to responsive design. This variety often leads to compatibility issues, limited feature support, and the need for extensive testing. As a result, coding emails that work seamlessly across different platforms becomes a challenging task. Developers must tackle these obstacles to ensure consistent and effective communication across a fragmented digital landscape, balancing modern web capabilities with older, outdated email systems.

Enter MJML: Your Email Coding Lifesaver

MJML, or “Mailjet Markup Language,” is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of creating responsive, beautiful emails, addressing many common email coding challenges and ensuring your emails look polished and consistent on any device or email client. The MJML framework offers a user-friendly format that converts into HTML, ensuring your emails look fantastic across all platforms. 

Its intuitive syntax simplifies coding, allowing developers to focus on crafting designs and functionality. Plus, MJML offers a range of templates to jumpstart your projects, allowing you to concentrate on crafting engaging messages rather than troubleshooting design issues. And most importantly, it offers reliable cross-client compatibility, so your emails maintain a polished, consistent appearance in major email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and more.

Why It Matters for Your Nonprofit

In email marketing, first impressions are crucial. With the wide array of devices and email clients in use today, MJML helps ensure that your emails look professional and consistent across every platform. MJML isn’t just about creating visually appealing emails; it’s about providing a seamless, professional experience for every recipient. 

Whether your audience is viewing your email on the latest smartphone or an older desktop client, MJML guarantees your message is delivered clearly and effectively. This consistency can significantly impact your engagement, turning potential quick deletes into meaningful interactions with your nonprofit’s brand.

Exploring New Horizons: Emailify and Its Potential

We recently discovered a promising new tool that could revolutionize the email design workflow. Emailify lets you build emails directly in Figma using MJML and then compiles them into compliant HTML. This could be a huge win for our team and our nonprofit clients. With Emailify, you can build visually stunning emails in Figma and export them as HTML or MJML, enhancing efficiency and consistency in your designs. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with over 20 platforms, including HubSpot, MailChimp, and Salesforce.

Resource: Figma Tutorial: Design and export Emails from Figma to HTML (YouTube video)

We haven’t tested Emailify out quite yet, so we can’t promote it as the ultimate solution, but we’re genuinely excited about its potential. This tool could be a game-changer for our clients’ email marketing efforts. As we explore Emailify further, we’ll keep you updated on our findings and whether it lives up to its promising features. Stay tuned!

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Start Creating Stunning Emails

Email coding doesn’t have to be a challenge. By harnessing the power of MJML, you can elevate your nonprofit’s email campaigns, and in conjunction with your nonprofit’s content, targeting, and overall marketing strategy, it can help increase engagement and impactful outreach. Don’t let technical barriers stifle your nonprofit’s message. Embrace MJML and transform your email campaigns into powerful tools for connection and action. Every email is a chance to inspire, and with MJML, you’re equipped to make every message count.

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