Website Redesign for Activist Organization

Save the Children Action Network

Our Work

Save the Children Action Network asked 4Site to help them transform their website into a more vital destination for their volunteers and constituents. We worked closely with the SCAN team to overhaul the site’s navigation and to reorganize its content. We installed a variety of tools to improve the publishing experience for site editors so that supporters could more easily access relevant and timely content. We updated the site’s design, carving out a unique identity for the group that is distinct from their parent organization, while still sharing important brand features. The new site loads more quickly than the old site and is optimized for mobile devices.

Save the Children Action Network

Check it out!

Our new site is beautiful and it was made with lots of passion by 4Site. They are a fun bunch to work with and they're just good at what they do—plain and simple.

Romain Coatmellec

Senior Advisor, Digital


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