How do I install ShareThumb on a WordPress Website?
To install the plugin:
Now that you have installed the plugin in WordPress, you can start sharing thumbs immediately. No need to register. Our service will generate an OG image automatically as soon as any URL to your site is shared on social media.
You can also view a video of these instructions on our YouTube channel.
How do I install ShareThumb if I am NOT on a WordPress Website?
To install ShareThumb on a non-WordPress website, you just need to place the following code snippet in the header of all the pages on your website:
<meta property="og:image" content="{YOUR_DOMAIN}/{YOUR_PATH}">
If you would like every page on your site to get a ShareThumb, add only your domain. For example, here is what the snippet would look like if you were installing it on this website:
<meta property="og:image" content="{}">
if you would like all the pages in a specific part of your site to get ShareThumbs, you can specify the directory. Here is that the snippet would look like if you applied it only the ShareThumb pages of our website:
<meta property="og:image" content="{}">
That’s it! ShareThumb will immediately start creating preview images for your site. If you would like to get rid of the 4Site mark on your thumb, all you need to do is register your account and then “claim” your site.
How do I register my account to unlock additional features?
To unlock many of the free features of our app, we require that you create an account:
Next you will be asked to “Add a Site”…
How do I add a website to my account and verify ownership?
To maintain security of your account, we require that you verify ownership of your site before you can manage your thumbs in our app:
Why is my thumb not updating to include changes I made to my web page?
ShareThumb creates a thumb for your page the first time someone shares a link to that page on social media. In our free plans, we only regenerate that thumb once a month. So if you make any changes to the page, the thumb won’t be updated until our service recreates it in 30 days.
If you want your thumbs to update every time you update a page, all you need to do is register an account with our app and then verify ownership of the website. Registration is free and it only takes about 60 seconds to verify ownership.
You can also update your thumbs manually at any time on our app. Again, this requires a registered account and a verified site. In our dashboard and the hit “regenerate.”
Another thing that may prevent your thumbs from updating is if you are using a caching service on your site to improve performance. After you update your page, try clearing the cache.
Why doesn’t ShareThumb work on my staging or my test environment?
If your website is password protected, a common practice while you are still getting the site ready to be launched, ShareThumb’s bot will not be able to access your page’s metadata, and so ShareThumb won’t be able to generate a thumb.